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Reach over 175,000 East Valley business employees


Reach over 175,000 East Valley business employees

Why sponsor?

Why sponsor?

Sponsorship allows you to expand your competitive edge by improving your company’s image and reputation by sponsoring events that the business community supports. Discounts are also offered for multi-year commitments.

The Chandler Chamber of Commerce offers many unique sponsorship opportunities for our various members at any level.

By choosing to partner with the Chamber, you are reaching our membership base which represents some of Chandler’s most important and influential corporate leaders, business owners, entrepreneurs, young professionals, media personalities, educators, political figures, and more.

Chamber programs and events are highly publicized, and so are our sponsors. Not only will you be given high-level visibility, but you’ll be able to reach your target audience through sponsorship of our events.

Make your business stand out and make it a name widely recognized throughout the community. Whatever your budget, we have several opportunities for you to highlight your company.

Business & educational program sponsorships

The Chandler Chamber hosts over 200 events every single year, so we've compiled our biggest series to help you find what fits your business interests.

Policy & advocacy sponsorships

We connect the business community with elected & appointed officials on the local, state, & federal levels.

Signature Event sponsorships

These are the biggest events we host every single year - from outdoor festivals to award ceremonies.

Networking sponsorships

One in the morning, one in the evening, every single month. Wake Up Chandler gives your business a 15-second elevator pitch, Chamber 101 is our new member onboarding, & Business After Business has a cash prize Chamber Pot.

Website sponsorships

Get a 480 x 60 pixel banner in our SEO-ranking membership directory and on every event page in our web calendar. Limited slots available.

1-Year Advertisement

• Ad randomly selected among other banners

• Custom URL provided by member

• Minimum 300 ppi resolution

• Ability to change ad monthly (due the 8th, one month prior)

• First right of refusal for website sponsorship

3-Month Advertisement

• Ad randomly selected among other banners

• Custom URL provided by member

• Minimum 300 ppi resolution

• Ability to change ad monthly (due the 8th, one month prior)

6-Month Advertisement

• Ad randomly selected among other banners

• Custom URL provided by member

• Minimum 300 ppi resolution

• Ability to change ad monthly (due the 8th, one month prior)

1-Month Advertisement

• Ad randomly selected among other banners

• Custom URL provided by member

• Minimum 300 ppi resolution

Week-at-a-Glance sponsorships

With a 35-50% open rate, this weekly newsletter is a great opportunity to get your business in front of the entire Chandler Chamber community.

One-Week Sponsor
($100 / week)

• Ad featured before newsletter content

• Logo with transparent background provided by member

• Logo resolution (300 minimum ppi)

• Custom URL provided by member

• 3 bullet-point sentences about business

Four-Week Sponsor
($375 / four weeks)

• Ad featured before newsletter content

• Logo with transparent background provided by member

• Logo resolution (300 minimum ppi)

• Custom URL provided by member

• 3 bullet-point sentences about business

Additional sponsorship opportunities

Ribbon Cuttings

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