Advocacy News
City of Chandler reinstates restrictions on outdoor signage
Affected signs include A-frames, banners, & feather signs, per Temporary Sign Code - Ch. 39-10
3 minute read • Feburary 7, 2025

Advocacy News
City of Chandler reinstates restrictions on outdoor signage
Affected signs include A-frames, banners, & feather signs, per Temporary Sign Code - Ch. 39-10
February 7, 2025

Chandler City Hall exterior. Photograph by Chandler Chamber.
On Friday, February 7, 2025, Chandler Mayor and City Council lifted the moratorium on temporary sign code enforcement (Resolution No. 5361). City Commercial Code inspectors are scheduled to mail educational materials to Chandler businesses, and, on the outlined date in this letter, all temporary signs will be restricted in Chandler, AZ.
What was the Chandler Temporary Sign Code moratorium, and why was it placed?
A moratorium is a temporary suspension of code or law. The moratorium on temporary sign code enforcement was placed on March 26, 2020 and was Chandler City Council's response to business challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Before the moratorium was placed, Temporary Sign Code - Ch. 39-10 was enforced by the City of Chandler. This purpose for this enforcement, as outlined by the City of Chandler, is quoted below:
39-10.1 Purpose. The City of Chandler finds that the proliferation of temporary signs is a distraction to the traveling public and creates aesthetic blight and visual clutter that threatens the public's health, safety and welfare. The City also recognizes a legitimate need for temporary signs for a wide variety of functions or special occasions. The purpose of these regulations is to allow temporary signs in such a manner that limits the distractions to the traveling public and eliminates or reduces aesthetic blight and visual clutter caused by temporary signs.
Now that the moratorium has been lifted, affected temporary signage includes:
- A-frames or T-frame signs
- Air-activated signs
- Banners
- Feather signs
- Large temporary freestanding signs
- Midsize temporary freestanding signs
- Yard signs
What happens to Chandler businesses who use temporary signs?
Following the lifted moratorium on temporary sign code enforcement (Resolution No. 5361) on Friday, February 7, 2025, City staff will begin an education outreach campaign to business owners, tenants, realtors, and other parties.
These educational efforts include letters issued by City of Chandler’s Commercial Code Inspectors to property owners that have been found to be in violation of Temporary Sign Code - Ch. 39-10.
The letter will request that property owners in Chandler, AZ evaluate the use of temporary signage on their respective properties to ensure compliance with City code. Property owners will have 30 days from the letter’s listed date to make appropriate changes.
Reinspections of Chandler businesses will follow the initial 30-day outreach period, and properties that remain in violation of the Temporary Sign Code will be issued "Courtesy Notices." These notices will identify the specific sign code violation(s), will include photos of any signs in violation, and will outline required corrective action(s).
A final 30-day grace period will be provided to businesses issued notices.
Following the final 30-day grace period, City of Chandler Staff will conduct re-inspections and begin issuing "Notices of Violation" to any properties that continue to remain in violation. Inspectors will work with responsible parties to assist with permitting and/or to share alternative options that may be available to bring the property into compliance.
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